IT’s NEW Lighting Package
As you know this year Morey’s Piers celebrates 50 big years on the Wildwood Boardwalk. To get ready for this they have been changing things up on their piers. The biggest changes are happening on Morey’s Surfside Pier.
We have been reporting on the construction monthly. You can check out the progress by clicking one of the links below.
Surfside Pier Construction Update – April 20th
Surfside Pier Construction Update – March 31st
Surfside Pier Construction Update – Feb 22nd
One of the big changes we reported on was that “IT” was going to be getting some big upgrades. Over the winter “IT” was stripped of all it’s lights, gondolas and color.
When Morey’s Piers opened for the season last weekend we saw that they painted the gondolas and gave it an amazing upgraded LED lighting package.
The new lights are beyond fantastic. We wanted to share with you what they looked like so we filmed a quick video for you. You can check out the video below.
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Check out these other Wildwood videos and articles.