New Teen Curfew in Wildwood Starts Next Week
Wildwood, is set to implement a new curfew ordinance in response to a surge in juvenile violence, crime, and disruptive activities. This week The City’s Board of Commissioners approved a significant change to the existing curfew ordinance to address the alarming increase in unruly behavior among juveniles.
Wildwood now joins both Ocean City and Sea Isle City who have implemented similar curfews to curb disruptive gatherings on their beaches and boardwalks.

Wildwood Looks To Change Curfew for Juveniles
The decision came after a particularly concerning incident during the 2023 Independence Day weekend when around sixty juveniles engaged in rioting and criminal mischief in the early morning hours. This behavior not only posed a threat to the juveniles involved but also put a strain on first responders and bystanders.
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To enhance public safety and protect the well-being of the city’s youngest citizens, the proposed amendment, authorized by N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.52, will now regulate the presence of juveniles under eighteen in public areas between midnight and 6:00 a.m. The amended curfew will be effective from next week.
Exceptions to the curfew include situations where a juvenile is accompanied by a parent or guardian, participating in authorized business or activity, attending extracurricular school activities, running errands involving medical emergencies, or taking part in cultural, educational, or social events sponsored by community-based institutions.
City officials stress that the curfew is not intended to infringe on parents’ rights to direct their children but rather to protect vulnerable individuals from engaging in unlawful activities.
Commissioner John Smith emphasized the paramount interest in preserving public health, welfare, and safety within Wildwood. Implementing the revised curfew is seen as a necessary step to ensure the well-being of the community and visitors.
In addition, the amendment sets forth the prescribed consequences for breaching the curfew ordinance. Should a juvenile be discovered in violation, law enforcement officers will issue a minimum of two curbside warnings, granting them an opportunity to voluntarily depart from the public area.
In the event that these warnings are disregarded, the juvenile’s parent, legal guardian, or caretaker will be promptly notified to address the situation and work together to find an appropriate and constructive resolution. It is important to emphasize that the purpose of these penalties is not punitive; rather, the main focus is on providing education and guidance to steer the youth toward adopting positive behaviors.
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New Teen Curfew in Wildwood Starts Next Week
While the new curfew has gained support from concerned residents, some have expressed reservations about potential impacts on law-abiding juveniles who have legitimate reasons to be out during curfew hours, such as travel to or from work.
While the proposed curfew has garnered support from concerned residents, there have also been reservations expressed by some regarding potential impacts on law-abiding juveniles who may have legitimate reasons to be out during curfew hours, such as travel to or from work.
Additionally, there are concerns about the possibility of increased encounters between law enforcement and juveniles, potentially leading to unintended consequences.
City officials, however, assure the public that the carefully crafted exceptions provided in the amendment aim to minimize any unnecessary encounters with law enforcement.