Closed Wildwood Boardwalk Bathrooms Spark Online Outrage
A heated discussion recently sparked in our Facebook group, Wildwood Talk, where members voiced their frustrations about the sudden closure of bathrooms along the Wildwood Boardwalk. Longtime Wildwood visitor Annamarie Viola shared her experience, writing:
“Thanks Wildwood for closing ALL the bathrooms on the boards!! Plenty of people still trying to enjoy the boards. Walked from 16th to the Convention Center. All are closed, including lifeguard stations and the visitor center. 😡😡😡🤬“

Closed Wildwood Boardwalk Bathrooms Spark Online Outrage
Her post quickly gained traction, with many other group members expressing similar concerns.
The Wildwoods, while well-known to locals and frequent visitors, is still a new destination for many. There are folks across the country who have never heard of us or how our seasons work down here.
While Wildwood is traditionally seen as a seasonal town, in recent years we’ve seen a massive influx of businesses staying open longer, as well as more events happening on the weekends, which has kept more people in town mid-week.
Group member Brian Sheppard drew a comparison to another popular shore destination, saying:
“And if you go to the Ocean City boardwalk, not only are ALL the boardwalk bathrooms open (2nd, 6th, Music Pier, and 12th) in the off-season, they are heated and clean.”
His comment highlights the difference in how neighboring beach towns manage their offseason, leaving many Wildwood visitors wondering why similar amenities can’t be maintained.
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Businesses on the boardwalk are also chiming in, with Fudge Island stating:
“There should be at least one bathroom on the boardwalk open year-round. There are many, many people walking, running, and biking year-round. It shouldn’t be a debate.”
This perspective emphasizes the year-round activity on the boardwalk, with locals and visitors continuing to use the area for recreation, regardless of the season.
In response to these concerns, Wildwood Mayor Ernie Troiano Jr. addressed the issue directly, explaining that the city has contracted with the Special Improvement District (SID) to manage the boardwalk facilities. Troiano stated:
“The city has a contract with the Special Improvement District to handle these matters. The city will reach out to them to rectify the situation, but understand if they are not manned, which becomes a problem because it’s almost impossible to find the help necessary to keep them open—they get destroyed, to the tune of thousands of dollars. Once again, a few ruin it for the many. This is not a bull—— statement. This is a fact. We will try to rectify this problem.”
Mayor Troiano’s statement sheds light on the challenges the city faces in keeping the bathrooms open and maintained, particularly during the offseason when vandalism can cause significant damage.
At the time of writing, no official timeline has been provided for reopening the restrooms, but the mayor’s commitment to reaching out to SID offers hope that a solution may be on the horizon.
Many residents are calling for clearer communication and, if possible, the reopening of at least a few key restroom locations until the end of the tourist season.
Have you been affected by the closed bathrooms on the Wildwood Boardwalk? Do you think the city should reconsider its offseason closures? Let us know in the comments below.