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Donation Info – No. Wildwood Mayor Statement

Donation Info

If you are looking to help those in need in the areas that was hit hard by the flooding, there is now a place you can donate items.

A Donation Center (The Home Of Heroes) has been set up in Wildwood to help those that have been affected by the storm. They are taking any donations of clothing, blankets, bottled water, animal supplies, and volunteers.

Please send donations to:
The Home of Heroes
107 E Wildwood Ave
Wildwood, NJ
You may also email them at:


A Donation drop off has also been set up at

The Town Tavern
100 Jackson Rd
Berlin, New Jersey 08091

Please contact Chrissy Tenney (856)264-2218
She will be there
Today 1/26 until 6pm
Thursday 1/28 6pm-2am
Saturday 1/30 9am-6pm
Sunday 1/31 9am-6pm






Yesterday, Patrick Rosenello, the Mayor of North Wildwood, gave a statement regarding January 22-24, 2016 Coastal Storm.

This is what he said.

I have watched the video of the comments that Governor Chris Christie made at a campaign event in New Hampshire this evening, where he referred to me as the ‘Crazy Mayor of North Wildwood.’ As one of his earliest supporters during both of his runs for Governor and having met and interacted with him and his family numerous times over the course of his terms as Governor, I am disappointed that he would lower himself as much as he did this evening.

I am more disappointed, however, in the evident lack of concern or respect that he is showing for the first responders, residents, business and property owners of North Wildwood, Cape May County and other areas of New Jersey impacted by this storm. Having spent the entirety of this event in North Wildwood and coordinating with our emergency responders to safely rescue approximately 150 people from their flooded homes, my perspective is somewhat different from that of the Governor as he campaigns in New Hampshire.

We will continue to work to help our residents and business owners recover from this event and we will continue to work with our partners at the State and Federal level to make sure that the appropriate resources are brought to bear to address the damage that has occurred. North Wildwood and Cape May County are great places to live, which make them some of the most popular vacation destinations on the East Coast. I am confident that our area will be ready to welcome our many visitors this summer as we have done for generations.