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Exploring The Wildwood Dog Beach + Park

Exploring The Wildwood Dog Beach + Park

Did you know that Wildwood has a dog beach and dog park?

The other day we uploaded a video on Facebook about taking our dog to the beach. For some reason, that video blew up and people started sending us messages like crazy asking for more details about the park.

Exploring The Wildwood Dog Beach + Park

Exploring The Wildwood Dog Beach + Park

It turns out that many people didn’t know that the Wildwoods has a dog beach and a dog park which is located on the beach.

At the bottom of this page is a video tour of what is offered at the Wildwood Dog Beach + Park.

Located between Maple and Glenwood Ave, the Wildwood dog park has been a staple on the beach since 2014. You might recognize the Wildwood dog park as it has a giant red fire hydrant that greets you before you enter.

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That fire hydrant used to be part of Morey’s Piers ride. (In the video we show you where it came from).

Since 2014, it has grown as its popularity grew. This year we got to see the 3rd version of this dog park, bigger and better than ever.

The Wildwood dog park is broken down into two different sections, one for big dogs and one for small dogs.

Wildwood Dog Park Renovations 2022

Wildwood Dog Park Renovations 2022

Once inside there is so much for your furry friend to do. From jungle gyms, mountains to climb, balls, ropes, water, and more. These are offered on both sides of the park. In the middle sits a gazebo so we can relax out of the sun.

Sitting behind the dog park is the dog beach. (Still between Maple and Glenwood Ave).

You are able to walk your dog, with a leash, down from the park and hang out and swim. Folks are required to keep their dogs on leashes while sitting on the beach. This way there are no runaway dogs.

Our suggestion is to only take your dogs to the park before noon or after 5 pm. This is mostly due to the hot temperatures on the beach. 80 and sunny feels great for us but with that fur, it’s no fun.

If you do like the dog beach or the dog park, please let the city know. They are always improving this section and adding in new obstacles for our furry friends. 

Below we take you on what a day at the Wildwood dog park and beach is like.

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