Landlord Attempts To Seize SS United States and Block Sale
The owners of the historic SS United States, a national nonprofit known as the SS United States Conservancy, have filed a legal motion accusing their landlord, Penn Warehousing & Distribution, of obstructive behavior intended to seize the iconic vessel for its own financial gain.
The motion was filed in the U.S. District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania as the Conservancy faces an imminent court-ordered deadline to relocate the ship from Pier 82 in Philadelphia.

Landlord Attempts To Seize SS United States and Block Sale
The motion details a series of actions by Penn Warehousing, including a demand for $3 million from the Conservancy and a potential buyer, Okaloosa County in Florida.
According to the Conservancy, Penn Warehousing attempted to block the sale of the SS United States and even negotiated their own sale of the ship, despite not owning it.
Documents submitted to the court also reveal that Penn Warehousing and Okaloosa County had drafted a Purchase and Sale Agreement, which laid out the terms for the sale of the SS United States.
The agreement, effective as of 2024, stated that Okaloosa County, as the buyer, intended to purchase the SS United States from Penn Warehousing for a sum of $2.5 million.
However, the agreement was contingent on Penn Warehousing obtaining “clean and marketable title” to the ship — something they did not legally possess at the time.
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The agreement also included a clause regarding artifacts remaining on the vessel, giving the buyer rights to any items not removed by the SS United States Conservancy within a 60-day window.
The SS United States, once the fastest ocean liner in the world and a symbol of American engineering, has been docked at Pier 82 for years. The Conservancy has been searching for a new home for the vessel as they work to preserve its legacy.
However, they claim that Penn Warehousing has actively worked against these efforts, doubling the ship’s rent in an attempt to force its relocation.
In a statement, Conservancy officials expressed frustration over Penn Warehousing’s alleged misconduct. “We’ve been dealing with the impacts of Penn Warehousing’s underhanded tactics for some time,” the Conservancy stated.
“The revelation that they attempted to negotiate the sale of the ship without our knowledge or authorization is upsetting. It’s part of a broader effort to force the Conservancy’s default and take possession of the SS United States for financial benefit.”
The legal filing also accuses Penn Warehousing of making baseless claims of damage to the pier and using other tactics to disrupt potential partnerships that would have complied with the court’s relocation order.
Conservancy President Susan Gibbs, granddaughter of the ship’s designer William Francis Gibbs, highlighted the organization’s commitment to preserving the SS United States, stating, “We’ve paid our rent on time for years, and yet we’re now on the verge of losing the ship due to Penn Warehousing’s actions.”
Despite these challenges, the Conservancy remains determined to find a solution. “We remain profoundly grateful to the SS United States’ supporters from across the nation and around the world,” Gibbs added, emphasizing the importance of the ship as a symbol of America’s strength and unity.
Public outrage has grown in response to the situation, with supporters of the SS United States expressing their frustration on social media.
One commenter, Mark Lund, stated, “Penn appears to be run by gangsters.” Another supporter, Paul Stipkovich, echoed these sentiments, saying, “Pure greed. It is apparent that Penn Warehousing was planning to either get twice the rent or seize the ship for their own profit.”
The Conservancy continues its legal battle, hoping to save the ship from what they believe is an unjust attempt to claim it for profit.
The Wildwood Video Archive stopped by the SS United States a few weeks ago to document the ship. Check out the tour video below and be sure to subscribe as we try to hit 100,000 subscribers.