No Beach Behind Morey’s Surfside Pier?
It’s no secret that beach erosion in North Wildwood has gotten worse over the past five years.
While the city has been fighting Mother Nature by building bulkheads and replenishing the beaches, this is the second year in a row that a major project to fix the beaches cannot happen.

No Beach Behind Morey’s Surfside Pier?
In the past when the beaches got eaten up during the storms, the city had been able to take sand from Wildwood and truck it into North Wildwood.
With thousands of cubic feet of sand brought over, the beaches would be big enough to allow beachgoers to enjoy the beach all summer and to protect the public and private property beyond the dunes.
This has rapidly changed though due to how bad erosion has gotten.
In order to truck the sand from Wildwood to North Wildwood, the giant dump trucks were required to pass behind Morey’s Surfside Pier.
This was the best way to move it since the machines were too heavy to bring on city streets.
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The only issue with this system was that a few times of month, during a full moon, the high tide was so high that the road, the sand behind Moreys, was eroded.
This would mean crews would have to spend the time to rebuild that section so that the trucks wouldn’t get stuck.
Fast-forward a few years and this issue went from a few times a month to a few times a day. This of course made the project extremely unrealistic.
With no other way of bringing sand to North Wildwood, we are now seeing more dunes destroyed from coastal storms.
Many viewers have asked us if it is really that bad behind Morey’s Surfside Pier. The best way of explaining it is by going out and filming a video showcasing what things look like.
Below is our video. Before you watch, please subscribe to help us hit 100,000 subscribers.