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Sam’s Pizza 2020 Opening Day Announced

Sam’s Pizza 2020 Opening Day Announced

Sam’s Pizza 2020 Opening Day Announced

Sam’s Pizza 2020 Opening Day Announced

While summer has only been gone for a few months it sure feels like it’s been forever. One sign that summer will be here sooner than you think is that Sam’s Pizza Palace, located at 26th and the boardwalk, just announced their opening day.

It felt just like yesterday it was labor Day weekend. You can check out our video recap of Labor Day by clicking the link below.

Wildwood Labor Day 2019 Recap Video

For me Sam’s pizza’s opening day is more then just the opening of Sam’s. It’s more of a excitement that the sleeping Wildwood Boardwalk is starting to wake up after a nice winters rest.

Anyway, now on to why you came here. Their opening day for the 2020 season will be February 14th (Valentines Day). What better way to tell someone you love them then to drive to Wildwood for a romantic slice of pizza and birch beer. (Don’t tell my wife yet what the game plan is).

We hope that we can see everyone there. We go every year on opening day. Below you can check out our video on last year’s opening day of Sam’s Pizza

Sam’s Pizza Opening Day Video Recap

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