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Should Wildwood Stop Playing Kate Smith’s God Bless America?

Should Wildwood Stop Playing Kate Smith’s God Bless America?

Should Wildwood Stop Playing Kate Smith’s God Bless America?

Should Wildwood Stop Playing Kate Smith’s God Bless America?

There is a big debate going on in our area.

For those don’t know, it was announced that singer Kate Smith had a potential history of racism. It was first brought to the world’s attention after the New York Yankees announced that they were going to get rid of the Smith’s rendition of “God Bless America” during their 7th inning stretch.

The yankees came to this decision after a song Smith recorded titled “Pickaninny Heaven” was found which, according to the Daily News said, “directed at “colored children” who should fantasize about an amazing place with “great big watermelons,” among other treats.”

She also recorded the song, “That’s Why Darkies Were Born” which by the title alone was a clear indication of racism. It included lyrics such as “Someone had to pick the cotton. … That’s why darkies were born.”

Earlier today The Philadelphia Flyers announced that they too would be discounting the song and they also covered up a statue of the singer that sat outside the arena.

For those who don’t know on the boardwalk, Smith’s “God Bless America” recording plays.

The question I want to pose all of you is this, should we change it? Please vote below!!! 

Should Wildwood Stop Playing Kate Smith’s God Bless America?

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