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Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol’s Final Dates 2023

Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol’s Final Dates 2023

As the summer sun begins its slow descent on the horizon, the Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol is unwavering in its commitment to ensuring the safety of beachgoers.

With the announcement of its late-season beach coverage plan for 2023, residents and visitors alike can continue to bask in the sun and frolic in the waves with the peace of mind that lifeguards are on duty.

Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol's Final Dates 2023

Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol’s Final Dates 2023

From the early morning rays until the late afternoon glow, the golden sands of Wildwood Crest’s pristine beaches will remain open and safeguarded by vigilant lifeguards – a testament to the Beach Patrol’s unwavering dedication to the community’s well-being.

Weather permitting, the lifeguards’ watchful eyes will scan the waters from 10 am to 5:30 pm through Labor Day, a final farewell to the summer season

And even as the summer officially bows out, a fitting encore is planned for the following weekend, September 9 and 10, granting an extended opportunity for beach enthusiasts to revel in the shore’s allure.

While staffing constraints impose a measure of limitation, the commitment to safety remains resolute. From September 5 through September 8, six beaches – Lavender, Columbine, Primrose, Nashville, Syracuse, and Trenton – will continue to enjoy lifeguard coverage.

A reduced fleet, perhaps, but one that stands tall in its dedication to duty, maintaining a watchful eye and a ready hand for those who venture into the waters.

The curtain call for the full lifeguard ensemble of the 2023 season is set for September 10. Beyond that, as summer recedes into memory, an emergency response team will stand vigilant, available to heed the call of distress from 10 am to 5 pm during the weekends of September 16-17 and September 23-24.

Access and inclusivity are paramount, and the Beach Patrol’s efforts extend beyond the waters’ edge. A lifeline to enjoyment, a transport service tailored for the handicapped will ply its routes from 11 am to 4 pm, ensuring that all who seek solace by the sea can find their way to the shore.

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As the waves continue to dance and the seagulls serenade the shore, the Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol echoes a steadfast refrain: safety first. Bathers are warmly urged to seek the embrace of lifeguard-protected beaches and to honor the prescribed hours of operation.

For those seeking more information or wishing to learn about the tides of safety that ebb and flow along the shore, the Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol extends an invitation to dial 609-522-3825. You can read the full press release by clicking here.

North Wildwood and Wildwood beach patrols haven’t posted their end-of-summer schedule yet but we will be sure to share it with you when they do.