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Massive Wildwood Block Put Up For Sale

Massive Wildwood Block Put Up For Sale

Those familiar with the Wildwoods, particularly those entering via Wildwood Boulevard, may have noticed a significant plot of land sitting at the gateway to Wildwood.

This parcel, nestled on the corner of Rio Grande and Susquehanna Ave, has remained vacant for several years, leaving many to speculate about its future.

Massive Wildwood Block Put Up For Sale

Massive Wildwood Block Put Up For Sale

This section of Wildwood over the past 100 years have been through massive transformation. Gone were the first cottages and businesses and in came the modern entrance, sometimes referenced as the gateway of the Wildwoods.

Stretching from the corner in an L shape to just before Bob’s Auto Body, this area comprises 1.6 acres and has undergone various iterations over time.

It was once home to a Mini Golf Course, the iconic Tom Cat restaurant, a Getty gas station, and apartments.

The Tom Cat restaurant, known for its late hours and popularity among visitors, first opened its doors in 1946. However, after years of decline and deterioration, the Tom Cat and its surroundings fell into disrepair.

It was against this backdrop that brothers Tom and Jim Byrne saw an opportunity.

“We first bought the Getty and the apartments just because they were such an eyesore coming into town and looked just awful,” Tom Byrne explains. “We bit off a lot with the environmental issues on the Getty, but finally got the upper hand on that. In the meantime, the Miniature Golf / Tom Cat parcel came up for sale.”

Given our coastal location, the task of removing a gas station from an island posed significant challenges. Crews undertook the arduous process of excavating numerous truckloads of contaminated soil from the site, ensuring thorough removal. Subsequently, clean soil was meticulously brought in to fill the excavated areas, completing the restoration process.

Despite their efforts, saving the Tom Cat proved unfeasible. “We would’ve loved to save the Tom Cat, but it was too far gone. The roof had caved in and it was in bad shape,” Tom Byrne laments.

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While crews worked on cleaning up the Getty location, The Byrne brothers leased part of the land to the city so that crews who were working on the streets had a staging area for their project.

Now that the street projects have been completed, they are now ready to sell.

“Now we have the majority of the entire Entry block coming into our town and our vision is to sell it to someone that will build something nice. No preconceived ideas of what that might be,” Tom Byrne states.

The lots have had new for sale signs posted recently with some interest being made including residential developers, family restaurants, breweries, and gas stations but Tom and Jim both say that they would prefer something built here that would benefit the town.

Tom says he wants “something that will look cool and attractive coming into town and fit in with the rest of the Avenue.”

Their vision is echoed by Mayor Ernie Troiano, who expresses openness to various possibilities.

Mayor Troiano reflects on past proposals for the site, including a hotel with a bridge leading to condos and a large neon Wildwood sign. However, these plans never came to fruition. “Some say a Chick-fil-A would be great, but traffic congestion would be crazy. Some said a park, but we have too many parks to maintain already,” Mayor Troiano muses.

The asking price of this land is currently $3.85M which is a bargain for what you could build in its place.

The potential for this prime location is immense, with opportunities ranging from vibrant commercial spaces to community-centric developments.

Imagine a bustling plaza filled with artisanal shops and eateries, offering locals and tourists alike a taste of Wildwood’s unique charm.

Alternatively, envision a sustainable mixed-use complex that seamlessly blends residential, retail, and recreational spaces, fostering a dynamic environment for people of all ages.

With thoughtful design and innovative amenities, such a development could redefine the Wildwoods skyline while honoring its Doo-Wop heritage.

Though we will make sure if any businesses do make their way here, they will have a cool Doo-Wop sign!

Whatever the outcome, one thing is certain: the transformation of this gateway holds the promise of revitalizing not just a parcel of land, but the spirit of the entire community.

It’s a chance to build something truly special, something that reflects the values and aspirations of Wildwood’s residents while welcoming visitors with open arms.

What do you want to see in this location? Let us know below.

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