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A Piece of Cape May Made It’s Way To The Pacific Ocean

A Piece of Cape May Made It’s Way To The Pacific Ocean

Here is an interesting little story we wanted to share with you.

In one of our Wildwood and Cape May groups, Greg R, who lives all the way out in Kwajalein Island, send us a photos of an interesting object with “Cape May” written on it.

A Piece of Cape May Made It’s Way To The Pacific Ocean

A Piece of Cape May Made It’s Way To The Pacific Ocean

For those who don’t know, Kwajalein Island, or Kwajalein Atoll, is located with the Marshall Islands roughly about 7,140 miles west of Cape May.

While we have no idea how it got to Kwajalein Atoll, we can at least figure out what it was.

After doing a little research we found that it looks to be a satellite buoys. According to it is a “satellite buoys used by purse seine fishers to track the geospatial position of dFADs.”

dFADs stands for Fish aggregating devices. So we know that this is some kind of satellite buoy that fisheries use but the big question is still how did it get out there?

What is your guess?

Did it fall off a ship? Could it really drift that far away? 

Comment below!

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