Additional Information On Wildwood Boardwalk Opening
On Tuesday May 5th, North Wildwood Mayor Patrick Rosenello put out a press release stating that the Wildwood Boardwalk would be opening on Friday May 8th.
If you want to read the full press release click the link below.
Wildwood Boardwalk Opening Date Announced

Additional Information On Wildwood Boardwalk Opening
After that press there were many questions and rumors about what this means and what would be open. This article is addressing those questions.
On Friday the Wildwood Boardwalk will be opening for walking, running, biking, (all kinds of exercise). While walking on the boardwalk you MUST follow the 6-foot social distancing rule.
Under New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, the stores on the boardwalk will be CLOSED. There is no date on when they will be open.
Essential businesses such as restaurants will be open on the boardwalk as take-out only. While visiting these locations you MUST wear masks.
For a list of boardwalk restaurants open click the link below.
Opening Dates For The Wildwood Boardwalk’s Restaurants
When it comes to the rides they are also CLOSED. They have an opening date of May 22nd according to their website. (This date could be changing again soon as the Gov pushed the state’s opening date until June 6h).
Additional Information
There is NO sitting in chairs or laying down on a beach blanket or sunbathing allowed on the beach as of yet.
The state of New Jersey still have a “Stay At Home” order and the state of emergency has been moved back to June 6th. This also implies that all gatherings of individuals, such as parties, celebrations, or other social events, unless otherwise authorized, are prohibited.
This means that all bars are CLOSED. Tune back later for more information.
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