Be An Extra In A Movie In N. Wildwood!!!
[UPDATE – All the positions have been filled]
Calling all actors and actresses!!!
Do you want to be in a movie that is being filmed here in North Wildwood? This is your chance.
Currently, there is a full-length movie being filmed here in North Wildwood called “Good Stuff” and they are looking for anyone who wants to be an extra.
There are three dates they are filming down here and if you are interested in being an unpaid extra here are the details.
Saturday, October 9th
Call time is 7:30 am for 18+ male and female
This will be a 3 hours long shoot that will take place on the seawall.
The scene will be a funeral setting so you will have to dress in all Black.
Tuesday, October 12th
Call time is 8 AM for kids and adults
This will be a one and half hour long shoot.
The scene has you acting as though you are waiting in line to be seated. The scene takes place during the Spring/Summer so dress accordingly.