Demolition Underway On NEW Pacific Ave Project

Demolition Underway On NEW Pacific Ave Project
There are many new projects going on through-out the Wildwoods this off-season. It seems that 2021 will be bringing many new buildings to the island.
If you want to see a recap of all the projects taking place on the island click the link below.
Wildwood Construction Projects – Recap Nov 2020
One of the projects is The Residences On Pacific, which is located on 3601-3611 Pacific Ave.
The application calls for a 4-story mixed use high-rise building which will contain 3 units of commercial space on the ground floor (mostly to house the two businesses there), and 74 residential/ Student units.The building will also include an outdoor swimming pool and associated patio/bar.
The project was green-lit by the planning board and demolition was scheduled to start in the new year.
Today we have some good news. Crews have been spotted at the properties preparing for it’s demolition.
Taylor Henry, from the Wildwood Historical Society, snapped a few photos of the crew working in the Facebook Group Wildwoods Preservationists

Demolition Underway On NEW Pacific Ave Project