Explaining Last Night’s Viral Wildwood Video Involving Juveniles
Last night a few videos went viral on Facebook in the group 2nd Homeowners in The Wildwoods, and it led to a ton of questions and concerns. Our account alone today has received several of these so we decided to figure out what happened/
In the two videos posted, you can see what looks to be a bunch of kids hanging out on Pacific and Roberts Avenue in Wildwood.

Explaining Last Night’s Viral Wildwood Video Involving Juveniles
In the distance, you can see police lights and sirens turn on and the kids start running away.
The videos only show a short portion of what happened and lead people to believe that there were worse things going on.
After speaking to those who were there, we now have an understanding of what was happening.
Around 9 pm on Saturday night, a large group of teens were gathering to hangout in front of the Convenience Store.
While we don’t know who made up the group, we do know that for some schools this is prom weekend. Also this weekend was the band competition, Tournament of Bands Indoor Championships. There was no indication which group they were a part of.
This group was having fun and were starting to do some kind of dance, sort of like a mob dance in the street.
Since they were getting loud and were blocking parts of the streets, someone had called 911 to investigate what was going on since some didn’t see that they were dancing and were afraid a fight was about to break out.
Our amazing police officers responded to the scene and prior to arriving on site, they had their emergency lights on.
Just the sight of the police caused the kids to run away, even though they technically weren’t doing anything wrong.
The police made sure everyone was ok and afterward, the kids circled right back.
In every town throughout history, kids have always gathered to hang out, but when the crowd grows too large, the cops step in to break it up.
This is a case of no one doing anything wrong and kids just being kids. There was no underage drinking, no fighting taking place, just a group of kids hanging out and dancing in the streets.
North Wildwood just strengthened their Juvenile Curfew Laws which you can read by clicking here.
The Wildwoods is all about having fun and while nothing bad happened here, it’s just a reminder to act responsibly and respectfully.
Photos and videos are from the original video posted and credited to the poster.