North Wildwood Bulkhead Nearing Completion
Visitors to North Wildwood’s beach in the upcoming year will encounter a transformed landscape, thanks to the near completion of a crucial project – the installation of a protective bulkhead.
Situated just outside the North Wildwood Beach Patrol Headquarters at 15th Street and the beach, this project comes as a response to the aftermath of Hurricane Lee and Tropical Storm Ophelia, which caused severe erosion and a 100-foot hole in the dune system that had already been damaged.

North Wildwood Bulkhead Nearing Completion
The $400,000 collaborative project between North Wildwood and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) addresses the urgent need to fortify the lifeguard station and adjacent residential properties against flooding risks.
Initiated in October, the bulkhead project has now been successfully completed in approximately a month, providing a protective barrier around the crucial lifeguard station.
While the bulkhead significantly enhances the defense of the North Wildwood Beach Patrol headquarters, it’s essential to note that its protection does not extend to areas just south of the station, specifically around 13th and 14th streets.
The NJDEP explains that constructing a bulkhead in these areas would disrupt the dune, a natural defense mechanism for that part of the island.
However, there is hope on the horizon with the Army Corps of Engineers planning a future project to fortify the dunes throughout the entire Wildwoods area.
Unfortunately, this broader initiative is not set to commence for another 18 to 24 months, leaving vulnerable areas in a temporary state of uncertainty.
In conjunction with the new bulkhead, the city has also constructed a new dune extending from 15th Street through 16th Street. This 16-foot-tall dune not only connects with existing dunes at 16th Street but also introduces a new drivable path for the beach patrol while enhancing the existing walkable path onto the beach.
Despite these significant improvements, the North Wildwood Beach Patrol Building does not yet have a new entrance in front leading on to the beach. The blueprints submitted to the DEP did not show them at this time, but said steps could be possible in the future.
In the meanwhile, lifeguards will utilize a new ramp located just to the right of the headquarters.
The Wildwood Video Archive, stopped by the construction site just days before its completion and filmed an up-close look at the enhancements. You can watch that video at the bottom of this article.
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While the completion of the bulkhead project is indeed good news for the North Wildwood lifeguard station, the ongoing vulnerability of certain areas underscores the need for continued efforts in shoreline protection.
With plans for future dune fortification, the community remains hopeful for a comprehensive solution to safeguard its coastline in the years to come.
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