Plane Illegally Stolen From Paramount Air Service
Plane Stolen From Paramount Air Service
Here is the update on the plane that illegally landed on the Cape May Coast Guard Base.
If you want to read the first article please use the link below.
Plane Lands On Cape May Beach
Paramount Air Service, the people who fly and own the banner/billboard planes, announced today that the plane that landed on the Cape May Coast Guard Base is indeed their plane.
In a statement online they stated that by the end of the day they had noticed that one of their planes were taking without permission.
At this time Paramount Air Service has no idea who the pilot was or their motivation behind the plane-jacking.
They will be working with state officials in helping to find the missing pilot.
In a statement from the Coast Guard they announced that the Cape May Coast Guard Base will resume normal activities. According to their cameras and K9 patrol, the suspect left the base.
Tune back later for more info.
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Photo by Susan Feitz Sparks