Wildwood Looks To Change Curfew for Juveniles
In response to a surge in juvenile violence, crime, and disruptive activities, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Wildwood is considering a significant change to the city’s curfew ordinance.
The proposed amendment aims to restrict the presence of juveniles in public areas during late-night hours to enhance public safety and protect the well-being of the city’s youngest citizens.

Wildwood Looks To Change Curfew for Juveniles
The City of Wildwood, known for its lively boardwalk and vibrant summer scene, has been grappling with an alarming increase in unruly behavior among juveniles in recent times.
This issue came to a head during the 2023 Independence Day weekend when a large group of approximately sixty juveniles congregated and engaged in rioting and criminal mischief in the early morning hours.
The incident not only posed an immediate danger to the involved juveniles but also placed significant strain on first responders and bystanders.

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Previous efforts to manage the conduct of these juvenile crowds, which had proven successful in the past, have been less effective during the current summer season. Consequently, the city authorities have recognized the urgent need to implement new strategies to address these ongoing problems.
The proposed amendment to the existing curfew ordinance, authorized by N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.52, empowers the municipality to regulate the presence of juveniles under eighteen between midnight and 6:00 a.m.
Exceptions to the curfew would include situations where a juvenile is accompanied by a parent or guardian, engaged in authorized business or activity, attending an extracurricular school activity, running an errand involving a medical emergency, or participating in cultural, educational, or social events sponsored by community-based institutions.
City officials stress that the proposed curfew is not intended to infringe on parents’ rights to direct their children but rather to protect young individuals who may be more susceptible to engaging in unlawful activities.
It aims to prevent juveniles from becoming participants in illegal drug activities, loitering with intent, and causing harm to others and property, as well as protect them from being victimized by older individuals with a propensity for unlawful acts.
“We have a paramount interest in preserving public health, welfare, and safety within the City of Wildwood,” stated Commissioner John Smith. “Implementing a revised curfew is a necessary step to ensure the well-being of our community and visitors.”
The proposed amendment also outlines the penalties for violating the curfew ordinance.

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A juvenile found in violation would receive at least two curbside warnings from a law enforcement officer, providing an opportunity to leave the public area voluntarily. If a juvenile refuses to comply with the warnings or continues to violate the curfew, the juvenile’s parent, legal guardian, or caretaker would be contacted to address the situation and develop an appropriate resolution.
City officials emphasize that the focus is not on issuing punitive measures but on safeguarding the community. The goal is to deter unruly behavior and ensure that public areas remain safe and enjoyable for everyone.
While the proposed curfew has garnered support from many residents who are concerned about public safety, there are also voices expressing reservations. Some argue that the ordinance may disproportionately impact law-abiding juveniles who are out during curfew hours for legitimate reasons, such as travel to or from work or other authorized activities.
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Others are concerned about the potential for increased encounters between law enforcement and juveniles, which could have unintended consequences.
City officials assure that the exceptions provided in the amendment aim to minimize the possibility of unnecessary encounters with law enforcement. They also emphasize that the focus will be on education and finding positive solutions, rather than resorting to punitive measures.
The Board of Commissioners is currently holding public hearings to gather feedback and input from residents, parents, business owners, and community leaders before making a final decision on the curfew amendment.
If enacted, the curfew is expected to take effect immediately, ensuring that the City of Wildwood can implement new measures to protect the safety and well-being of its citizens and visitors during late-night hours.
The Ordinance is scheduled for Second Reading, Public Hearing, and potential adoption during the upcoming Commissioners’ Meeting on July 26th.