Wildwood Crest’s Brine Could Be Demolished
Wildwood Crest’s Brine Could Be Demolished
While scrolling through the minutes of the zoning board meetings in our area I found one that stood out. During the September 6th Lower Township Zoning Board meeting their was a new variance application submitted to allow six family dwellings at 8100 Bayview in Diamond Beach/Wildwood Crest.
In looking at this address we found that 8100 Bayview is the location for the Sunset Lake restaurant Brine.
The variance application read as follows;
Use Variance application to allow six (6) single family dwellings in the GB-1 zone, submitted by Mark Platzer for the location known as Block 820, Lot 2.05, 8100 Bayview.
Mr. Frank Corrado represented the applicant and stated that his client feels that the proposed dwellings will fit in better with the area and that the restaurant, Brine, is no longer suitable for the area.
Also see: Check out our Ocean Drive T-Shirt!