The First United Methodist Church located at 6700 Atlantic Ave in Wildwood Crest is no more. Over the past few days.
In September the church had announced that they were merging with it’s sister church in North Wildwood stating that, “If you haven’t heard the news our two churches have merged “on purpose for God’s purpose” we hope you will join us as we take time to reflect and celebrate the ministries that have been and will be.”
Our guess is that they decided then to put the giant lot up for sale. Located only two(2) blocks from the beach, it was only just a matter of time until a developer purchased the land to build on it.
As of right now we only know that a developer purchased the land. We do not know what will be built on it. When we find out we will go ahead and update this article!
Check out the photos and Video below!
We Recapped All The Great Events In Wildwoods From 2017. Check Out The Video Below
Also, Make Sure Start Your Year Off Right With One Of Our Wildwood Calendars Or Retro Wildwood Motel T-Shirt. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

2017 Wildwood Calendar
Photos by Brian Foster
Video by Scott Hand