Morey’s Piers Updates Mask Policy
Memorial Day weekend is already underway with tons to celebrate. The biggest of which is that as of Friday, May 28th, New Jerseyans no longer need to wear masks if they have been fully vaccinated.

Morey’s Piers Updates Mask Policy
Full vaccinated refers to if you have received both shots of Pfizer or Moderna (or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson) and have waited two weeks after the last shot.
New Jersey Phil Murphy made this announcement last Monday, May 24th, at a press conference.
If you would like to read our article about the announcement click the link below.
NJ Indoor Mask Mandate To Be Lifted – Indoor Gathering Limits To Be Dropped
Since that announcement restaurants and businesses have been planning for folks to return back to a mask-less service including Morey’s Piers.
Yesterday Morey’s Piers had updated their website with new guidelines in regards to masks.
Their statement goes on to say;
Guests in outdoor public spaces are not required to wear masks, regardless of their ability to maintain six feet of distance from other individuals or groups and regardless of their vaccination status.
Guests in indoor public spaces are not required to wear masks, regardless of their ability to maintain six feet of distance from other individuals or groups. In accordance with CDC recommendations, individuals who are not fully vaccinated should continue to wear masks in indoor public spaces.
Associates who are vaccinated are also no longer mandated to wear masks, although many may still choose to do so.