NJ Gov Signs $100 Million Boardwalk Preservation Fund
In a landmark move that underscores his commitment to preserving New Jersey’s iconic shorelines and bolstering the state’s tourism-driven economy, Governor Phil Murphy has signed into law S3989/A5675, creating the Boardwalk Preservation Fund.
This monumental legislation appropriates a staggering $100 million for the renovation and repair of boardwalks in various shore communities across the state. The initiative is poised to not only rejuvenate the heart of these coastal towns but also to fortify their resilience in the face of future challenges, including climate change.
Spearheaded by prominent legislators including Senators Paul Sarlo, Michael Testa, Vin Gopal, and Vince Polistina, as well as Assembly members Louis D. Greenwald and William Moen, this initiative has garnered widespread bipartisan support.
Governor Murphy’s unwavering commitment to the state’s cherished boardwalks is evident through the establishment of the Boardwalk Preservation Fund. The fund aims to not only uphold the economic vitality of these communities but also celebrate their cultural significance.
“From Atlantic City to Asbury Park, for decades our state’s boardwalks have served as iconic fixtures in our Shore communities, contributing not just to their local economies but to their unique histories and cultural fabric as well,” said Governor Murphy.
“Maximizing the potential of our boardwalks requires robust, forward-looking investments that will prepare them to endure the test of time and the intensifying impacts of the climate crisis. I’m proud to build upon Lieutenant Governor Oliver’s legacy as a champion of Atlantic City while we stand alongside elected officials on both sides of the aisle in support of these invaluable community assets.”
The application process for the Boardwalk Preservation Fund has officially opened, managed by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The application window remains open until October 31, providing ample opportunity for shore communities to present their plans for boardwalk renovation and maintenance.
The significance of this initiative is underscored by the inclusion of tens of millions of dollars from the American Rescue Plan in the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget. This substantial investment is aimed at fortifying Atlantic City’s infrastructure, thus further catalyzing the city’s ongoing economic recovery.
Senate President Nick Scutari emphasized the centrality of boardwalks to the state’s tourism economy, labeling them as “the lifeblood of many of our Shore communities.”
These iconic structures, unique to the Jersey Shore, play a pivotal role in attracting tourists and nurturing local businesses. Assembly Speaker Craig J. Coughlin concurred, highlighting the boardwalks’ role as “powerful economic drivers” that fuel tourism and support the state’s economy.

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The sentiments are echoed by Senate Majority Leader M. Teresa Ruiz, who envisions the fund as a means to ensure that these boardwalks, which have served as the backdrop for countless summer memories, remain resilient against future storms.
Senator Paul Sarlo, Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, sees the initiative as an embodiment of New Jersey’s identity, breathing life into cherished Shore experiences for generations to come. Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin emphasized the connection between boardwalks and local businesses, asserting that the fund would aid in their continued prosperity.
Senator Michael Testa expressed his satisfaction with the bipartisan legislation, heralding it as a “historic investment to help preserve these vital features of our shore town communities.”

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This investment, he believes, will secure the economic success of the Jersey Shore in the long run. Assembly Majority Leader Louis D. Greenwald and Assemblyman Bill Moen hailed the initiative for ensuring that both residents and tourists continue to enjoy well-maintained boardwalks that contribute to local economies.
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The sentiment resonates with Senator Vince Polistina, who recognized the monumental impact of the Boardwalk Preservation Fund on the state’s coastal counties and municipalities. He characterized the fund as a means to secure the economic success of the New Jersey Shore for the foreseeable future.
Assemblyman Don Guardian applauded the grants made available through the fund, emphasizing that they would enhance accessibility, bicycle usage, and overall experiences for residents and visitors alike.
Assemblywoman Claire Swift highlighted the personal connections many residents have to boardwalks, emphasizing the fund’s role in preserving cherished memories for future generations.
Mayor Marty Small, Sr. of Atlantic City expressed optimism about the potential for his city to secure funding for its historic boardwalk. As the oldest and one of the most notable boardwalks in the nation, Atlantic City’s application is poised to reflect its unique significance in the history and culture of the Jersey Shore.
Christina M. Renna, President & CEO of the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey, hailed the initiative for addressing the critical need for repairs and restoration across the state’s boardwalks.
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Recognizing the iconic status of these boardwalks, she noted that the fund’s contributions are pivotal to ensuring their longevity as vital tourism destinations.
In essence, Governor Phil Murphy’s commitment to the preservation of New Jersey’s boardwalks through the establishment of the Boardwalk Preservation Fund speaks volumes about his dedication to both the state’s economy and its cultural heritage.
As communities set their sights on securing a share
of the $100 million fund, the collective efforts are set to breathe new life into these iconic shorelines, securing their legacy for generations to come.