Touring the NEW Adventure Pier – Morey’s Piers 2023
This past weekend Morey’s Adventure Pier opened for their 2023 summer season. This was the first time guests were able to walk on the pier since Morey’s Piers started their massive renovation.
The Wildwood Video Archive toured the pier to give you a first look at the new revamped pier. To watch the video scroll down to the bottom of this article.

Touring the NEW Adventure Pier – Morey’s Piers 2023
This massive undertaking of renovating the pier began in late 2020 when Morey’s Piers introduced their plans to Wildwood’s Zoning and Planning board.
Those plans called for the complete renovation of the front entrance of the pier and the construction of a food hall.
Setting itself apart from conventional food venues, the Food Hall employs shipping containers as innovative architectural elements. Plans showed that Morey’s Piers was going to add 14 of these shipping containers measuring up to 20 feet in length and 11 containers up to 40 feet in length.
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Morey’s Piers had previously experimented with this concept of repurposing shipping containers through the successful construction of the artBOX, which has become a favorite among visitors.
This emerging trend of transforming shipping containers into small-scale food venues has breathed fresh life into these versatile structures, providing an affordable option for aspiring entrepreneurs.
There are places all of the United States such as Sparkman Wharf in Tampa, that had used this model and had great success.
The use of shipping containers as unique and trendy food spaces has gained popularity due to their cost-effectiveness, with each container typically ranging from $2,500 to $3,000. This innovative approach has proven to be an attractive solution for creating distinctive culinary experiences without breaking the bank.
In order to accommodate the new project, a beloved attraction known as Boat Tag had to be dismantled. Boat Tag had been a cherished ride at Morey’s Adventure Pier since its inception in 1986, where guests would board boats and engage in exhilarating water-themed battles using yellow balls.
In December, Boat Tag was put up for sale, and in February, it was announced that Malacari’s Produce & Deli in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, would become its new home.
After Morey’s Removed Boat Tag, the Kohr’s Brothers building and the water race game were removed and the pier was laid with new wood.
In Morey’s grand plan, Curley’s Fries would be getting a third location on the pier and its building would be built out of four containers. The Kohr’s Brothers building would also be made out of containers but would have a second-story balcony where guests could enjoy their ice cream.
Fast-forward to Memorial Day weekend, and Morey’s Piers had the pier in a semi-finished state. Curley’s, Kohr’s Brothers, and a new water game were open but construction on the Kohrs balcony and some signs were still missing. These will most likely be completed over the next few weeks. Out of the fourteen proposed container buildings, only eight of them were installed on the pier.
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Over time Morey’s will be adding in more food establishments but overall the new entrance gives guests a completely different feel when they enter the pier.
One big change on the pier was the removal of the stage that used to sit under the final turn of the Great White. A new fence sits in its place.
Below is the Wildwood Video Archive 2023 tour of Morey’s Adventure Pier. Before you watch our video, please HELP us reach 100,000 subscribers by hitting that Subscribe button!