UPDATE on the Crest’s “Living Room”
Exactly one year ago, Oct 23rd 2019, we broke the story that Wildwood Crest put forward a plan to rehab the old Crest library located at 6301 Ocean Ave. The city wanted to create an mixed use building which would house an environmental outreach room, a common area, a senior center/historical room, a concession stand and a gift shop.
You can read that full story by clicking the link below.
Introducing Wildwood Crest’s “The Living Room”

UPDATE on the Crest’s “Living Room”
A year has gone by and the city proposed more changes to the master plans for the building. In a meeting from October 21st, we were presented these new changes and renderings.
Let’s break down what has changed.
The new building will become more eco-friendly by adding a solar array to the East side of the building. This will help set off the cost of power, costing the city less to run it. The building will lose it’s planned Dormer in order to make room for the solar panels.
The building’s design hasn’t changed too much from the 2019 design with the exception of larger bathrooms and a move-able glass door. The slide glass door will help accommodate events such as Birthdays and Weddings. This would created a design with allows the interior to blend into the exterior.

UPDATE on the Crest’s “Living Room”