Where In The World Is Mary Lee?
Where In The World Is Mary Lee?
Every year around this time we normally get an announcement from OCEARCH that Mary Lee, is back off the coast of New Jersey. This time no announcement.
After doing some research we learn that OCEARCH has lost contact with Mary Lee. The last time her transmitter sent off a pin was June 2017.
Check out our article on the last time she surfaced.
Mary Lee Is Back
OCEARCH, is “a recognized world leader in generating critical scientific data related to tracking (telemetry) and biological studies of keystone marine species such as great white sharks, in conjunction with conservation outreach and education at a measurable global scale.”
Mary Lee is 16 feet long and weighs 3,456. She was tagged on September 17, 2012 off Cape Cod, MA.
We will keep an eye on Mary Lee and keep you informed if she finds towards Wildwood.