Cape May Ship Hull Found!
You know that I personally love doing history articles on here but today’s article was a mystery that I have been wondering for years. What ever happened to the ship, the MV Cape May.
Just a quick little refresher for you.
The Cape May–Lewes Ferry operates a ferry service between Lewes Delaware and Cape May New Jersey. Currently they have three ferries that make the journey, M.V. Delaware, M.V. New Jersey and M.V. Cape Henlopen. Before these ships they had a few other ships such as, the M.V. Cape May, M.V. Atlantic and M.V. Twin Capes. (we will get back to M.V. Twin Capes this summer as it will get sunk to the bottom of davy jones locker)
See More: Cape May’s Concrete Ship’s Bell Found, Sorta
Back in 2007, the DRBA (Delaware River and Bay Authority), removed her from service and announced that the vessel was up for sale.
In 2013 M.V. Cape May was purchased by Northstar Marine Services for $750K. It was said to be converted to a support vessel for offshore wind farms.
By December 4th 2013 though she was found being taken apart by the blow torches.
See More: Video Of Hindenburg in Cape May
(We have 2 great videos. One is a slide show of the ship being ripped apart and the second is a video of the ship being towed away from the ship yard.)
It was after these videos and photos that the M.V. Cape May just disappeared. There had been rumored that Northstar stopped using M.V. Cape May and that she was sitting as a floating parking lot somewhere in Delaware. For years no one had a clue what happened.

Cape May Ship Hull