Rio Station to Change To Jester’s Dive Bar
Back in April 2022, we announced that the world-famous Rio Station had sold. Located at 3505 Route 9 S, Rio Grande, New Jersey, the Rio Station had became a staple to locals and vacationers alike.
Known for their crab cakes and fantastic steak, many wondered what the Rio Station would be turned into.
After the sale, the owners of the Surfing Pig, located at 231 W 10th Ave, announced on Facebook that they purchased the property and have big plans. Along with The Surfing Pig, they also run the Swine Bar, both of which are fantastic restaurants in North Wildwood.
The big caveat of their purchase was that it would only continue to be the Rio Station until the end of summer. After that, they promised a new experience.
There had been rumors that the building would be operating as the Rio Station while a new restaurant would be built on the empty lot right next to the Rio Station. While there haven’t been plans submitted to the township yet, we found out today what would become of the Rio Station.
On August 28th, The Rio Station announced on Facebook that they would be closing until September 9th for some exciting upgrades.
A few days passed and the Rio Station changed its logo and name to Jester’s Dive Bar.

Rio Station to Change To Jester’s Dive Bar