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The Wildwood waters was a freezing 37 degrees when the Wildwood Polar Plungers took to the waters in support of New Jersey’s Special Olympics. The annual Polar Plunge drew in over a 900 people who braved the cold winter weather and almost freezing temperatures to support an amazing cause.

Wildwood Polar Plunge

Wildwood Polar Plunge 2018

For those who do not know what the Wildwood Polar Plunge is, it is a family-friendly event benefiting more than 25,000 athletes of the New Jersey Special Olympics where plungers donate a minimum of $125 to take a plunge in the freezing waters.

As the numbers are still being counted, we are told that the event raised just about $315,000 for the New Jersey Special Olympics bringing the 12 year total to $2,888,645. It seems that every year more and more are turning out for the Wildwood Polar Plunge.

Wildwood Polar Plunge

Wildwood Polar Plunge

This year there were so many awesome costumes and themes worn by the polar plungers. From Pirates to Mummers everyone looked amazing and had a fantastic time.

We went ahead and filmed the Wildwood Polar Plunge from a few different angles for you to enjoy from your warm couches!

Below is a drone video and the Facebook live video. We will have a recap of the event going up online on Monday!


While you’re here, make sure your feet stay warm by purchasing a pair of Wildwood socks! (CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE) 

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