What’s Open This Weekend In The Wildwoods Sept 25th – 27th

What’s Open This Weekend In The Wildwoods Sept 25th – 27th
It’s the last weekend in September and what would have been Irish Weekend! Here is a recap of what will be open this weekend in the Wildwoods.
Please keep in mind that with covid-19 some of these things could change.
If you want to see the latest list of closing dates click the link.
Wildwood Boardwalk Closing Dates 2020
NJ Governor Phil Murphy has mandated that face masks must be worn outdoors when social distancing isn’t possible. If you want to read about the order click the link below.
NJ Governor Mandates Masks
At this time our Boardwalk, Rides, Games, Stores and Arcades are open with restrictions.
These restrictions include;
- Arcades only allowing 25% capacity
- Amusements only allowing 50% capacity
- Restaurants Can Do Indoor Dining at 25% but some are only doing outdoor dining and/or carry-out.
This is the LAST weekend for Morey’s Piers. They offer LIMITED rides. At this time only Mariners Pier (with limited rides) is Open.
Surfside Pier, Adventure Pier and Raging Waters water park and Splash Zone are CLOSED.
Fireworks are done for the summer season.
Indoor dining is now OPEN for up to 25% capacity. [NOTE: not all restaurants are doing indoor dining even though it’s allowed]
A decent amount of restaurants on and off the boardwalk are open for business. Restaurants have their outdoor dining open. If you want to watch a video on how that looks click the link below.
Wildwood Restaurants Prepare for Outdoor Dining
While there is no official article on what restaurants will be open, here is a list of closing dates. If you don’t see your favorate spot on here give them a call!!
Wildwood Boardwalk Closing Dates 2020
The beaches are NO LONGER PROTECTED. All the lifeguards have completed their summer season. It is NOT recommended to swim without a lifeguard
If you are wondering what going to the beach is like during a pandemic watch the video by clicking the link below.
Going to The Beach During A Pandemic – Vlog
Bars are open for ‘Irish’ weekend but many have strict rules. To find out what this non Irish weekend will be like click the link below.
N. Wildwood’s “NOT” Irish Weekend Details
Motels and Hotels ARE open! Give your favorite spot a call and see if they have any rooms open. Pools are open as well (Click the link below for more details)
Wildwood Hotel and Motel Pools To Open June 22nd
The Wildwood Boardwalk Tram Car is no longer running for the season.
As a reminder, It is STILL required to wear a mask when visiting ANY businesses even if it’s on the boardwalk.
Please again keep in mind that these rules and orders do change quickly. Tune back later for more info!
Check out these other Wildwood videos and articles.