Wildwood Construction Projects – Recap

Wildwood Construction Projects
There are so many projects taking place this off-season all over the island. Some of these projects are well on their way why others are in their early phases. While we will make some longer videos and articles on some of the projects, right now it’s easier to give you a sweeping recap video of what is going on.
We took the day and drove all around the Wildwoods and filmed most of the projects. Some of the locations below have links that will take you to their most recent article.
The Wildwoods projects include:
Oceanside Suites
Surf Motel/Condo
The Residences On Pacific
St Anne’s (Turning Into Condos)
Adventure Pier Facelift
The View Condo/Motel
The Crest Living Room
Sunrise Park Facelift
Pan American Landscaping Rehab
Rio Grande Pumphouse Project
The Singapore Condos
The Ocean Holiday – Icona Mahalo
ICONA Diamond Beach Renovation
NEW Sinclair Gas Station