Wildwood Construction Projects – Jan 2021
There are so many different projects going on through-out the entire island. This seems like the most action going on since 2006.

Wildwood Construction Projects – Jan 2021
Two months ago I recorded a video showcasing all the projects taking place.In that video I said we would return ever 4-6 weeks to give you updates. If you want to watch that video click the link below
Wildwood Construction Projects – Recap Nov 2020
All of these projects are in different phases and instead of creating individual videos for each of them I figured it would be easier to hit them all in one video.
In this video we will hit the following projects (Note, some have a link. Click them for more information)
Oceanside Suites
Surf Motel/Condo
The Residences On Pacific
St Anne’s (Turning Into Condos)
Adventure Pier Facelift
Great White Re-tracking
The View Condo/Motel
The Crest Living Room
Sunrise Park Facelift
The Singapore Condos
The Ocean Holiday / Wildwood Mahalo
ICONA Diamond Beach Renovation
Sinclair Gas Station